DNF stands for DID NOT FINISH. Sometimes, bookworms are using it as a verb (or is it just me?).

Ex. I DNF-ed a book yesterday.

DNF-ing is not bad. You need to let go of a certain book if you think it doesn’t suit your reading mechanism. We have different opinions so that’s most probably the reason why. Of course, we can’t always have the same ratings in our Goodreads page, right? That’s creepy. 😛

The first week of 2016 has officially ended. Sadly, I had to DNF 2 books. I don’t think this is a reading slump or something. I expected some things from these books, but they haven’t met my expectations.


18245617Every year on her birthday, Ashley Perkins gets a card from her grandmother—a card that always contains a promise: lose enough weight, and I will buy your happiness.

Ashley doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with the way she looks, but no amount of arguing can persuade her grandmother that “fat” isn’t a dirty word—that Ashley is happy with her life, and her body, as it is.
But Ashley wasn’t counting on having her dreams served up on a silver platter at her latest birthday party. She falters when Grandmother offers the one thing she’s always wanted: tuition to attend Harvard University—in exchange for undergoing weight loss surgery.

As Ashley grapples with the choice that little white card has given her, she feels pressured by her friends, her family, even administrators at school. But what’s a girl to do when the reflection in her mirror seems to bother everyone but her?

Through her indecisions and doubts, Ashley’s story is a liberating one—a tale of one girl, who knows that weight is just a number, and that no one is completely perfect.

“THE CONCEPT WAS GOOD, BUT THE WRITING STYLE WAS NOT FOR ME.” and i think i will keep saying this over and over again.

I really liked the potential of where this book is going, but everything just went MEH for me. The plot really had me because this was also me a few years back…… it just didn’t go with flow. I didn’t like it, but I didn’t hate it. You know. It’s like I only have a neutral feeling for this book. It’s just not good, I’m sorry. It didn’t work for me.

25773842Nikki Kill does not see the world like everyone else. In her eyes, happiness is pink, sadness is a mixture of brown and green, and lies are gray. Thanks to a rare phenomenon called synesthesia, Nikki’s senses overlap, in a way that both comforts and overwhelms her.

Always an outsider, just one ‘D’ shy of flunking out, Nikki’s life is on the fast track to nowhere until the night a mysterious call lights her phone up bright orange—the color of emergencies. It’s the local hospital. They need Nikki to identify a Jane Doe who is barely hanging on to life after a horrible attack.

The victim is Peyton Hollis, a popular girl from Nikki’s school who Nikki hardly knows. One thing is clear: Someone wants Peyton dead. But why? And why was Nikki’s cell the only number in Peyton’s phone?

As she tries to decipher the strange kaleidoscope of clues, Nikki finds herself thrust into the dark, glittering world of the ultra-rich Hollis family, and drawn towards Peyton’s handsome, never-do-well older brother Dru. While Nikki’s colors seem to help her unravel the puzzle, what she can’t see is that she may be falling into a trap. The only truth she can be sure of is that death is a deep, pulsing crimson.

“yes, she doesn’t see the world like anyone else. she’s different (in a good way, for me)…. again, i was looking for something and i ended up not having it again.”

Admit it, this was one hella good plot. I’ve never read something about synesthesia and this book introduced me to that. I’m almost halfway when I finally thought that this book is lacking intense feels and suspense. Ughhh, I feel like there is something wrong with the writing style that it didn’t keep me going. I came to a halt and my mind told me, “OKAY….. IT IS NOT-SO-INTERESTING ANYMORE…”

And that was the end of my journey in the world of Shade Me.

As much as possible, I’m avoiding to DNF books. Why? I know that these books were carefully written by the authors and they’ve sacrificed so much time in order to publish these. As what the saying goes, you can’t please everyone. And you can’t force everyone to like a certain thing. That’s just it. Maybe it didn’t work for me, but I do hope it would work for you.

How many books have you DNF-ed so far this year? I hope you didn’t DNF a lot.

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10 thoughts on “MINI BOOK REVIEWS (YES, I DNF-ED THEM) :(

  1. A lot of people are so hardcore about reading a book all the way through, even if it’s a book they hate, just because they don’t want to DNF it. I look at it this way…life is too short to read a book you don’t like when there are thousands more that you will.

    I also couldn’t get into Shade Me…I tried, but that writing style just ruined it for me. I don’t know exactly what it was about it but I just couldn’t keep going with it.

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  2. I always feel really guilty when I come across a book I don’t want to finish. But damn it, we are entitled to our own tastes and preferences. There is nothing wrong with letting go of a book. It is a better alternative compared to wasting our time on something we don’t even enjoy.

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